Author: janice
The 2021 Tri-County Science & Technology Fair was a huge success! Hosted virtually this year due to the pandemic, the fair is the only one of its kind in New York State to include the lower grades. Approximately 400 students created 350 exhibits, which were evaluated by 170 judges from over 75 companies. This year,…
Back to School and Hands on Science at a glance!
The school year has started and we are getting busy planning our Hands on Science dates for all schools. You can get the full information of the event by clicking the link. PEARLS Hands on Science nov 2, 2019 Vail Farm Hands on Science Dec 7, 2019 Beekman Elementary Hands on Science Dec 14, 2019…
Countdown to Tri County Science & Technology Fair
This science fair has been organized for the sole benefit of all grade-level students throughout Putnam, Westchester, and Rockland counties in New York. 2020 TRI COUNTY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FAIR TO BE HELD ON APRIL 25, 2020 Is your school participating? If not ask your science teacher, principal or science Fair coordinator to contact or go…
New Award: The Susan Schaell Handelman for Scholastic Excellence in Science & Technology
Susan Schaell Handelman Award for Scholastic Excellence in Science & Technology The best Middle School with the highest overall average among all other Middle Schools. 2018 Rye Neck MS Presented the Susan Schaell Handelman Award for Scholastic Excellence in Science & Technology for Top Middle School. Please click Susan Award to download a PDF. Enriching a young mind…